Cakes without Borders Volume 1: The Maiden Voyage is a brand new book series by Jennifer Rao, owner of Around the World in 80 Cakes. Each book in the series will contain completely unique cake recipes inspired by ingredients and cuisines from around the world. As you make each cake, you will be transported to a different part of the globe. True to the “without borders” name a portion of the proceeds from each sale will go to benefit a children’s humanitarian organization.
Cakes without Borders Volume 2: The Journey Continues is the second installment of my new book series. Volume 2 contains even more unique cake recipes using ingredients from around the globe. Now more than ever, as travel has become more difficult during this crazy pandemic, we need to find creative ways to travel virtually. Experiencing the flavors of different cultures, especially in the form of cake, is a great way to do that!
In “How to Bake”, Jennifer has compiled all that she has learned while walking you through every step of the cake baking process. Some of the topics she dives into include: how to bake a cake without a dome, understanding the different types of flour, why weighing ingredients is better than measuring by volume, what each step of the batter mixing process means and how it is important as well as many other helpful topics.